On Compensation of Discrete Fourier Transform Error


  • David G. Asatryan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


FFT, discretization error, spectrum, spectrum restoration, finite impulse filter, error compensation


A problem of reduction of the percentage (relative) error, appearing at a finite signal spectrum restoration by means of Discrete Fourier Transform is considered. A method based on using of a finite impulse filter with various impulse responses is offered. Depending on errors of the initial spectrum, a percentage error expression derivable after using the filtering is obtained. A criterion for comparison between specified errors at a large number of discrete points is offered. Conditions, when the filter of given response reduces the restoration error module, are obtained. Examples with uniform window and some finite functions of standard type are considered.


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D. Slater, Near-Field Antenna Measurements, Artech House, 1991.

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How to Cite

Asatryan, D. G. (2024). On Compensation of Discrete Fourier Transform Error. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 23, 54–58. Retrieved from

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