Structure-Based Technique for Object Detecting in UAV Imagery


  • David G. Asatryan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


UAV, Anomaly search, Image structural properties, Total segmentation, the gradient field, Proximity measure


In this paper, the problem of automated detection of anomalies in the video, filmed in the controlled area on board of the UAV is considered. The complexity of the problem associated with the effect of multiple factors on the quality of the image is pointed out. Expediency of processing methods using the structural properties of the image, stable with respect to a number of noise and distortion is justified. We propose two approaches to use the structural properties of an image. The first approach is based on full hierarchical segmentation and simplification of the image and usage of the appropriate parameters of segments. The efficiency of the approach applied to the problem of detection of smoke and fire is shown. The second approach is based on modeling and analysis of the image gradient field. Then a method of detection of anomalies in the image is proposed. A few examples illustrating the operation of the proposed procedures are considered and effectiveness of approaches is shown.


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How to Cite

Asatryan, D. G. . (2021). Structure-Based Technique for Object Detecting in UAV Imagery. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 44, 51–58. Retrieved from

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