On a Generalization of Interval Edge Colorings of Graphs


  • P.A. Petrosyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
  • Z. Arakelyan Yerevan State University


An interval edge (t; h) – coloring (h 2 Z+) of a graph G is a proper coloring α of edges of G with colors 1, 2..., t such that at least one edge of G is colored by i; i = 1, 2..., t and the colors of edges incident with each vertex v satisfy the condition dG(v) – 1≤ max S (v, α) – min S (v, α)≤dG (v) + h – 1, where dG(v) is the degree of a vertex v and S (v, α) is the set of colors of edges incident with v. In this paper we investigate some properties of interval edge (t; h) – colorings.


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How to Cite

Petrosyan, P. ., & Arakelyan, Z. . (2021). On a Generalization of Interval Edge Colorings of Graphs. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 29, 26–32. Retrieved from