On Some Properties of Intersection and Union of Spheres in Hamming Metric


  • Haykaz E. Danoyan Yerevan State University


Nearest neighbors, best-match, Hamming spheres, concave function, quasi-perfect code


The problems of intersection and union of spheres of the same radius in Hamming metric are considered. The formula for number of points in intersection is derived in case of two spheres. It is proved that three or more spheres of radius RC (covering radius of a code C) centered at points belonging to some quasi-perfect code C intersect at most at one point. It is also proved that the increase of cardinality of union of spheres of the same radius, depending on radius, is a concave function and can have at most one or two maximum values depending on length.


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How to Cite

Danoyan, H. E. (2021). On Some Properties of Intersection and Union of Spheres in Hamming Metric. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 39, 119–124. Retrieved from