On the Comparative Complexity of Primitive Recursive Arithmetical and String Functions


  • Igor D. Zaslavsky Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
  • Mikayel H. Khachatryan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


string function, arithmetical function, term, alphabetic enumeration, Shannon function, primitive recursive function


Formal languages LA and LW are introduced as in [1] for the representation of primitive recursive arithmetical and string functions. Shannon functions SHAW and SHWA describing the relations between the complexities of functions representations in these languages are defined as in [1]. A new proof of the upper bounds for SHAW is presented; it is based on a new method giving in some cases new possibilities for applications in comparison with the methods considered in [1].


M. H. Khachatryan. “On the Representation of Arithmetical and String Functions in Formal Languages,” Transactions of IIAP of NAS of RA, Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, vol. 27, pp. 37-53, 2006.

A. I. Maltsev. Algorithms and Recursive Functions. 2nd Edition, Moskow, Nauka , 1986 (in Russian).




How to Cite

Zaslavsky, I. D., & Khachatryan, M. H. (2021). On the Comparative Complexity of Primitive Recursive Arithmetical and String Functions. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 39, 81–87. Retrieved from