Efficient March-Like Algorithm for Detection of All Two-Operation Dynamic Faults from Subclass Sav


  • H. Avetisyan Russian-Armenian University
  • G. Harutunyan Virage Logic
  • V.A. Vardanian Virage Logic


This paper introduces an efficient March-like algorithm for detection of the well known class Sav of dynamic faults. Sav is the subclass of all two-operation dynamic functional fault models that are sensitized by means of applying two consecutive operations, one applied on the aggressor cell and the second operation applied on the victim cell. Earlier, only subclasses Saa and Svv were considered by a few authors when both
sensitizing operations were applied either on the aggressor or victim cell, and March
algorithms were developed by them. Subclasses Sav and Sva were not considered due
to their complexity. A larger class of March-like algorithms has to be considered for detection of those subclasses since March algorithms cannot detect them. It is shown that 392N operations are sufficient for detection of faults from Sav.


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How to Cite

Avetisyan , H. ., Harutunyan , G. ., & Vardanian, V. . (2021). Efficient March-Like Algorithm for Detection of All Two-Operation Dynamic Faults from Subclass Sav. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 30, 18–24. Retrieved from