Development and Application of Interactive Algorithms for Natural Language to UNL and UNL to Natural Language Transformations


  • Aram A. Avetisyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


The present article describes certain developments worked out for the creation of NL-UNL transformation framework. In particular, new interactive algorithms aimed at analyzing and converting sentences of natural languages (NLs) into UNL and converting UNL structures back into texts of natural languages, are described. In this article, we describe the research on the work done for the creation of self-learning conversion system, based on the analysis of the interactive user-defined intervention. We also analyze the existing resources and describe certain algorithmic and technical solutions.


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How to Cite

Avetisyan, A. A. . (2021). Development and Application of Interactive Algorithms for Natural Language to UNL and UNL to Natural Language Transformations. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 35, 5–13. Retrieved from