On an Algebraic Classification of Multidimensional Recursively Enumerable Sets Expressible in Formal Arithmetical Systems


  • Seda N. Manukian Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


Predicate formula, Universal algebra, Recursively enumerable set, Mathematical structure, Deductive system, Formal arithmetic


Abstract Algebraic representations of multidimensional recursively enumerable sets which are expressible in formal arithmetical systems based on the 1, are introduced and x , S), where S(x) , S), (0,,), (0,, S,signatures(0, investigated. The equivalence is established between the algebraic and logical representations of multidimensional recursively enumerable sets expressible in the mentioned systems.


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How to Cite

Manukian, S. N. . (2021). On an Algebraic Classification of Multidimensional Recursively Enumerable Sets Expressible in Formal Arithmetical Systems. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 41, 103–113. Retrieved from