A Probabilistic Model of User Navigation in a Digital Interactive Publication


  • Vahram H. Darbinyan State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic)


Digital interactive publication, User behavior, User navigation, Navigation model, Navigation prediction, Server-side analysis, Client-side analysis


A probabilistic model of user navigation in a digital interactive publication is considered. Digital interactive publication is a paged media where user can navigate either by flipping pages back and forth or using a link for navigation to another page. User’s navigation by links is analyzed in detail. For that case a special weight is assigned to any navigation from the current page to another page. A method of calculating these weights is proposed basing on a publication type and structure. Considerations include both server-side and client-side analysis. A mapping of the introduced weights to probabilities of navigation to each page is proposed also. These probabilities allow predicting user behavior during the paged media navigation. Experiments with a representative sample set of digital publications have been performed to illustrate the validity of the suggested model.


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How to Cite

Darbinyan, V. H. . (2021). A Probabilistic Model of User Navigation in a Digital Interactive Publication. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 41, 93–102. Retrieved from