Design and Cryptanalysis of a New Encryption Algorithm SAFER-256


  • Gurgen H. Khachatrian American University of Armenia; Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
  • Melsik K. Kyureghyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
  • Knarik M. Kyuregyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


Cipher, Round, Shuffling, Encryption, Decryption, Differential cryptanalysis, Effective weigh


In this paper a new encryption algorithm of SAFER family named SAFER-256 is introduced. SAFER-256 is a 256 bit size block cipher with a 256 bit size user selected key. Security of the new algorithm against differential analysis attack is also presented.


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BLUETOOTH SPECIFICATION Version 1.0B, 29 Nov. 1999, [Online]. Available:




How to Cite

Khachatrian, G. H. ., Kyureghyan, M. K. ., & Kyuregyan, K. M. . (2021). Design and Cryptanalysis of a New Encryption Algorithm SAFER-256. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 42, 97–106. Retrieved from