Palm Vein Minutiae Feature Extraction for Human Identification


  • Sergey S. Chidemyan Russian-Armenian University
  • Aram H. Jivanyan American University of Armenia
  • Gurgen H. Khachatryan American University of Armenia


Vein Pattern, Palm Vein, Biometrics, Minutiae Features, Personal Identification


This paper presents the approach for extracting the minutiae features from palmvein images that can be useful for biometric purposes. In this paper we will show how the extraction of palm-vein features can be made efficiently and accurately using this approach, particularly, how problems of potential deformations, rotational and translational changes are accommodated by this approach. As minutiae features extracted from palm-veins, bifurcation and ending points are chosen. Analysis of a database shows that there are 25 minutiae features in each palm-vein image. The experimental results show that the quantity of minutiae features in each vein pattern is enough to perform the personal identification task.


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How to Cite

Chidemyan, S. S. ., Jivanyan, . A. H. ., & Khachatryan, G. H. . (2021). Palm Vein Minutiae Feature Extraction for Human Identification. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 42, 85–96. Retrieved from