Scalable and Accurate Clones Detection Based on Metrics for Dependence Graph


  • Sevak S. Sargsyan Yerevan State University
  • Shamil F. Kurmangaleev Yerevan State University
  • Artiom V. Baloian Yerevan State University
  • Hayk K. Aslanyan Yerevan State University


Metrics, Dependency graph, Scalable, Code clones, Compiler, Bit vector


The article describes a new method of code clones detection for C/C++ programming languages. The method is based on metrics for program dependence graph. For every node of program dependence graph a characteristic vector is constructed, which contains information about neighbors. These characteristic vectors are represented as sixty four bit integer numbers, which allows determining similarity between two nodes in amortized constant time. Due to this it is possible to analyze effectively projects with million lines of source code. The high accuracy of the determined clones was achieved by checking locations of source code for corresponding nodes. The paper also describes new approach for dependency graphs generation, which allows building them much faster than any of the existing methods. This method was compared with several widely used tools. It performs better both execution time and accuracy.

Author Biographies

Sevak S. Sargsyan, Yerevan State University

Laboratory of System Programming IT Educational and Research Centre

Shamil F. Kurmangaleev, Yerevan State University

Laboratory of System Programming IT Educational and Research Centre

Artiom V. Baloian, Yerevan State University

Laboratory of System Programming IT Educational and Research Centre

Hayk K. Aslanyan, Yerevan State University

Laboratory of System Programming IT Educational and Research Centre


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How to Cite

Sargsyan, S. S. ., Kurmangaleev, S. F. ., Baloian, A. V. ., & Aslanyan, H. K. . (2021). Scalable and Accurate Clones Detection Based on Metrics for Dependence Graph. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 42, 54–62. Retrieved from