Information Theoretical Analysis of Biometric Generated Secret Key Sharing Model


  • Mariam E. Haroutunian Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA
  • Narek S. Pahlevanyan Gyumri State Pedagogical Institute


We investigate the biometric generated secret key sharing system. We consider the generalization of the secret key rate, studied by Ignatenko and Willems [1]: the notion of E-achievable secret key rate is introduced. The lower and upper bounds for the largest E-achievable secret key rate are obtained. When E tends to zero, the limits of our bounds coincide and are equal to the largest achievable secret key rate stated in [1].


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How to Cite

Haroutunian , M. E. ., & Pahlevanyan, . N. S. . (2021). Information Theoretical Analysis of Biometric Generated Secret Key Sharing Model. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 42, 17–27. Retrieved from

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