On Cyclability of Digraphs with a Manoussakis-type


  • Samvel Kh. Darbinyan Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA


Digraphs, Cycles, Hamiltonian cycles, Cyclability


Let D be a digraph of order n ¸ 4 and Y be a non-empty subset of vertices of D. Let for any pair u, v of distinct vertices of Y the digraph D contain a path from u to v and a path from v to u. Suppose D satis¯es the following conditions for every triple x; y; z 2 Y such that x and y are nonadjacent: If there is no arc from x to z, then d(x) + d(y) + d +(x) + d ¡(z) ¸ 3n ¡ 2. If there is no arc from z to x, then d(x) + d(y) + d +(z) + d ¡(x) ¸ 3n ¡ 2. We prove that there is a directed cycle in D which contains all the vertices of Y , except possibly one. This result is best possible in some situations and gives an answer to a question of Li, Flandrin and Shu (Discrete Mathematics, 307 (2007) 1291-1297).


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How to Cite

Darbinyan, S. K. (2021). On Cyclability of Digraphs with a Manoussakis-type. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 47, 15–29. Retrieved from