Consideration of Congestion Situations in Telecommunication Networks and Methods of Their Processing as a Special Type of Emergency Situations


  • Hamlet H. Harutyunyan Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan ;National Polytechnic University of Armenia
  • Hmayak A. Avanesyan Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovyan ;National Polytechnic University of Armenia


Telecommunication network, Congestion situation, emergency, Network traffic, Intensity of traffic, Data transmission


This article discusses the methods of struggle with congestion situations in telecommunication networks, considering them as a special type of emergency situations, which frequently occur in computing systems.


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How to Cite

Harutyunyan, H. H., & Avanesyan, H. A. (2021). Consideration of Congestion Situations in Telecommunication Networks and Methods of Their Processing as a Special Type of Emergency Situations. Mathematical Problems of Computer Science, 48, 98–104. Retrieved from